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  1. Startseite
  2. FAQ
  3. 4. Geeignete Lampen und Gewicht
  4. Wie bringe ich meine Lampe an der Lightswing® an?

Wie bringe ich meine Lampe an der Lightswing® an?

You attach the lamp cord to the Quick Release. The Quick Release is a coupling piece that allows you to attach the pendant lamp to the Lightswing®. Take the Quick Release out of the Lightswing® and use a screwdriver to loosen one screw of the cable clamp and remove the other screw completely, so that you can thread the lamp cord through it. Attach the power wires of the pendant lamp to the terminal block of the Quick Release and tighten the screws. Also, tighten the cable clamp screw again. You can attach the Quick Release back to the Lightswing®.



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